
As The Words Are Inspired.

Variable Bibles

We translate multi-language Bibles into Korean.

By Professional Translators

Our translation is carefully conducted and inspected by language experts.

Variable Concordances

We provide multi-language concordance based on translation data.

The day of Babel

Encounter a language barrier.

Tower of Babel and Languages

Genesis 11

Once upon a time, there was only one tongue and nation. But God came to earth and dispersed their languages to stop building the tower of Babel.

After that, nations were divided by their tounges and we have lived with our languages developing inherent society, culture, history, and custom.

The day of Pentecost

The barrier of language came down.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit and Tounges

Acts of Apostles 2

The day the disciples of Jesus Christ waited for his Spirit, the Holy Spirit came to earth like the sound of fierce wind.

Cloven tongues like as of fire appeared to them and they spoke with other tongues.

Finally, God has broken down the barrier of languages that he had made himself before.

Stay Inspired
As The Words Are Inspired.
Like His ministry that changed the barrier of tounges as the new prism of inspiration,
We will present His diversity of inspiration through translating variable Bibles.