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Current projects

Project in Progress

Current recruiting

1. Luther Proj. / LUT

About Recruitment

Fields Status* Volume Period Job
Translator(German) Full Member Untill fulfilled. Until the project finishes Translate and examine the Bible texts.
Advisor(German) Examine and give advice about translated texts.
Advisor(Hebrew) Advise on Hebrew texts.
Advisor(Greek) Advise on Greek texts.
Advisor(Latin) Advise on Latin texts.
Advisor(Korean) Irrelevance Advise on translated Korean texts.
*Nonmembers must apply for membership.


Fields Degree* Requirement
Translator(German)min. Bachelor– Majored in German language or theology in German universities.
– Basic knowledge of the Bible and theology is required.
– Faith in believing Jesus Christ as your Savior is required.
– Translation career is preferred.
Advisor(German)min. Master– Master's or Doctor's degree in German language or theology in German universities.
– Basic knowledge of the Bible and theology is required.
– Faith in believing Jesus Christ as your savior is preferred.
– Translator or language expert is preferred.
Advisor(Hebrew)min. Bachelor– Majored in relevant languages or theology required.
– Basic knowledge of the Bible and theology is required.
– Faith in believing Jesus Christ as your savior is preferred.
– Translator or language expert is preferred.
Advisor(Korean)– Career in Korean language or literature required.
– Korean language major is preferred.
– Writer career is preferred.
– Faith in believing Jesus Christ as your savior is preferred.

*4-year regular university only.

Application Period

Until the demand is satisfied.

2. James Proj. / KJV

About Recruitment

Translator(English) Full Member Untill fulfilled. Until the project finishes Translate and examine the Bible texts.
Advisor(English) Examine and give advice about translated texts.
Advisor(Hebrew) Advise on Hebrew texts.
Advisor(Greek) Advise on Greek texts.
Advisor(Latin) Advise on Latin texts.
Advisor(Korean) Irrelevance Advise on translated Korean texts.
*Nonmembers must apply for membership.


Fields Degree* Requirement
Translator(English)min. Bachelor– Majored in English or theology in English-speaking universities.
– Basic knowledge of the Bible and theology is required.
– Faith in believing Jesus Christ as your Savior is required.
– Translation career is preferred.
Advisor(English)min. Master– Master's or Doctor's in English or theology in English-speaking universities.
– Basic knowledge of the Bible and theology is required.
– Faith in believing Jesus Christ as your savior is preferred.
– Translator or language expert is preferred.
Advisor(Hebrew)min. Bachelor– Majored in relevant languages or theology required.
– Basic knowledge of the Bible and theology is required.
– Faith in believing Jesus Christ as your savior is preferred.
– Translator or language expert is preferred.
Advisor(Korean)– Career in Korean language or literature required.
– Korean language major is preferred.
– Writer career is preferred.
– Faith in believing Jesus Christ as your savior is preferred.

*4-year regular university only.

Application Period

Until the demand is satisfied.

3. Developers

About Recruitment
Developer(web or app)Full member or associate memberUntil fulfilled.Until the project finishesdeveloping web services and applications.

*Nonmembers must apply for membership.


Fields Degree Requirement
Web Developerhigher than high school graduate– Experienced web-developing based on Spring Boot
– Enable to use MySQL
– Enable to realize Rest API
– Enable to use JavaScript and PHP
– Experienced with Java, HTML tags, and CSS
App Developerhigher than high school graduate– Experienced with Android or iOS App-developing
– Experienced with React Native
– Enable to use Java and VSCode

Application Period

Until the demand is satisfied.

Selection and Documents

Selection Process

Please check the schedule.



Submission to prove career required.


Simple tests can be conducted.

Final Selection

Become a member.


Please submit the documents below when you apply. You can download the required forms.

*If membership is required, nonmembers should submit an application form for registration.